For as long as I can remember, I have had a considerable interest with all things to do with military history. This has always been supported by my family. To them I owe a great deal of thanks for funding and putting up with my acquisition of books, and piles of random military collectibles when I was of a young age.
In more recent years my attention has now turned almost completely to the history of Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Warfare and Weapons. My interest is mainly directed towards British exploits, in particular the protective measures and equipment employed against such weapons, which is a relatively unstudied area with very little information actually available in the public domain.
The aim of this website is to detail the development of protective equipment, with particular attention paid to the development of respirators from the First World War until the present day.
I welcome any critique and comments that will enhance this website further. The aim is to one day have this website published in the form of a book, but that is certainly a long time down the line. If you have any questions, queries or comments please don't hesitate to get in touch by email at, or by using the form which can be found on the contact page.
Image disclaimer:
All contemporary watermarked images featured on this website were created by myself for this website and feature items from my own personal collection. Under no circumstances are they to be copied and published elsewhere without prior consent from myself.
Also featured on this website are images gathered from the public domain which will be credited to their respective source, and images from unknown sources. Should I discover that any previously unknown image is subject to copyright, or belongs to someone, I will promptly remove it and seek permission in order to use it.