This section displays the main focus of this website, to showcase the development of British Respirators from the First World War to the present day. The drop down menu is split into four sub headings. These sub headings refer to four applications in which respirators are used and contain a fully illustrated list of the respirators and facepieces held in the GasMasksUK collection, along with key information referring to each piece.
These sub headings will deal with the following areas:
Respirators intended for use by the military, this includes both respirators used by the British Armed Forces, and respirators manufactured or designed in Britain for foreign nations.
Respirators designed for use by British civilians and civilian organisations to protect against nuclear, biological and chemical weapons that could be used against the civilian population, this again includes respirators both used in Britain, respirators which were exported and variations of British designs manufactured abroad,.
British manufactured respirators, and various breathing apparatus facepieces intended for use in both industrial applications such as factories, laboratories etc and for emergency purposes such as fire fighting and mine rescue.
British manufactured respirators designed for use by animals both in military and civilian applications.
Please note that the information such as dates and manufacturer details displayed refers specifically to the item shown in the accompanying image.

The evolution of some of the more recent respirators produced by Avon. From left to right: S10 (dated 1986), prototype C3 (dated 1988) and the FM12 (dated 2004).