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1937 - Chemicals in War - Augustin M. Prentiss 

1941 - How to tell and what to do if they are gassed - The Rudkin Press

War Gases, Learn and Live - W. F. F. Shearcroft 

1951 - Special Weapons and Types of Warfare, Volume 1, Gas Warfare - Compiled by Lieutenant-Colonel D. J. C. Wiseman

1962 - Design and Use of Respirators - Edited by C. N. Davies

1983 - A Higher Form of Killing, The Secret Story of Gas and Germ Warfare - Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman

1985 - La Guerre Des Gaz 1915-1918 - Gerard Lachaux and Patrice Delhomme

1987 - Gas Attack, Chemical Warfare, 1915 to the Present Day - William Moore

1988-89 - Jane's NBC Protection Equipment - Edited by Terry J Gander

1992 - Chemical Soldiers, British Gas Warfare in World War One - Donald Richter

1992 - Porton Down, 75 Years of Chemical and Biological Research - G. B. Carter I.S.O.

1998 - U.S. Chemical and Biological Defense Respirators, An Illustrated History - Christopher T. Carey

2005-2006 - Jane's Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence - Edited by John Eldridge

2007 - World War I Gas Warfare Tactics and Equipment - Simon Jones, Illustrated by Richard Hook

2015 - British Military Respirators and Anti-Gas Equipment of the Two World Wars - Thomas Mayer-Maguire and Brian Baker

Gas, The Story of the Special Brigade - Major-General C. H. Foulkes, C.B., C.M.G, D.S.O.




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